ProQuest has reached an agreement with Patron Point to include Syndetics Unbound elements in their newsletter service. Recommends, is a reading recommendation service that helps libraries market content to their patrons and increase engagement and usage of their collection. Recommends helps users create eye-catching, branded monthly newsletters for new titles from the library’s catalog enriched with recommendations, summaries, and covers from Syndetics Unbound. The newsletters connect patrons straight to the library catalog to place a hold on the titles or search for other content.
Syndetics Unbound is excited and pleased to announce that we have worked with Patron Point, a library marketing automation partner, to offer Patron Point Recommends™ – a new reading recommendation service that helps public libraries market content to their patrons, increasing engagement and usage. Patron Point Recommends automatically creates eye-catching, branded monthly newsletters for new titles from a library’s catalog enriched with LibraryThing recommendations and summaries, and covers from the Syndetics Unbound service.