Syndetics Unbound includes more than 16 elements, with options like Summary and Author bios, to provide in-depth details on all your collection's titles. Reading Level and Book Profiles also give further insight into the context of your titles to ensure that readers are selecting the right books for them.
No more confusing options and packages - all of the enrichment elements are included with your subscription. It's easy to turn elements on and off, and configure them to tailor a Syndetics Unbound experience for your patrons
Transform patron experiences with interactive exploration and serendipitous discovery.
Elements such as You May Also Like for title, author and series feed your patrons' curiosity for their next title. Look Inside also provides insight into the title, to give readers a chance to review and consider their selection more closely.
Show off your library's collection with eye-catching Book Display Widgets. Put them anywhere – on your library's home page, LibGuides, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or library newsletter. Special integration features your widgets on your library's Facebook page, with a dedicated, interactive tab.
Fill your Display Widgets with popular titles, new titles, DVDs, journals, series, awards, or tags – it updates on its own. Or create your own custom list from a web page, RSS feed or list of ISBNs, UPCs, or ISSNs, and link directly to your catalog pages
Here are some links to Syndetics Unbound in live public library catalogs.