Syndetics Unbound includes more than 16 elements, with options like Summary and About the Author, to provide in-depth details on all your collection's titles.
No more confusing options and packages — all of the enrichment elements are included with your subscription. It's easy to turn elements on and off, and configure them to tailor a Syndetics Unbound experience for your users.
Syndetics Unbound encourages research and discovery among users, to further engage and connect them with the myriad of resources available in your collection.
Elements such as You May Also Like will ensure that your users have continuous recommendations to feed their research experience.
Tags allow for a new exploration interface that combines and filters, to focus on genres, subjects, and other categories that users need and want. Browse Shelf gives users an opportunity to see other titles that may be applicable to their research in your library.
Syndetics Unbound comes with elements unique to academic libraries, including Resources for College Libraries Core Titles and Altmetrics.
With elements such as these, students and faculty are getting enriched content tailored to their research subject.
Here are some links to Syndetics Unbound in live academic library catalogs.